Archive for April 2014

Hello out there, Twitter!

I made a Twitter account for the Trans Safe Spaces network, it’s at

I suppose this post will also serve as a test to see if my autopublish plugin is set correctly to send updates to Twitter. Thanks for your interest in Trans Safe Spaces!

Added new sites!

We’ve added 3 new pages to our list of FB Trans Safe Spaces!

Radical Femme
Bi: Notes for a Bisexual Revolution
Alexander Geist

Please show these wonderful pages some love!

– Melissa

Mobile Optimization!

I wanted to say thanks to Josh Harris, a talented web developer who has helped us with website’s mobile version. Our website is now mobile-responsive and is optimized for the following mobile devices:

Nokia C3-01, T-Mobile Pulse Mini, Blackberry Curve, HTC Desire, ZTE Open, iPhones 1-5, Nokia Lumina 800, Samsung Galaxy S1-S4, HTC Desire, Blackberry Z10, Blackberry Bold, Nokia E7, 5th Gen Kindle, Blackberry Playbook, iPad Gen 1 & 2, and the Nexus 7

We highly recommend Josh as a web design expert and our new mobile layout looks great! Contact him at LinkedIn if you’re interested in hiring a talented freelance web designer.

New Email Address

We seem to be having some problems with the domain hosting and the email address local to it that we used for this page. We’ve switch all of the links on the page to and you can contact us there!

Added new pages!

We’ve added some new pages to our FB List today!

T-FFED: Trans* Folx Fighting Eating Disorders
T-FFED: Trans* Folx Fighting Eating Disorders (Group)
Birthing and Breastfeeding Transmen and Allies
Socially-Conscious Attachment-Minded Parents (SCAMP)
I Acknowledge The Destructive Nature of Capitalism

Please check them out! TSS thanks them for their commitment to reducing harmful speech that misrepresents or antagonizes trans people!

– Melissa

First FB List Published!

Our first official list of Trans Safe Spaces on Facebook has been published! You can find it on the navigation bar at the top of the page. It’s the first link. Please do contact us if you would like to be added!

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